Monday, December 9, 2019

12/7/19.....Went to Joey and Chrissy's Reception in Michigan, Went to Faith Rider's Christmas Party

Angie, Bill and Fred

Bill, Pam, Angie, Debbie and Fred

Amanda, Vikki, and Matthew

Pam and Bill

Angie and Melissa

Vikki and Angie

Shani and Kimmy

Kimmy, Melissa, Jill and Vikki

Jill and I

Dick and Pam

Kimmy, Lourdes, Vikki and Melissa
Me, Debbie and Lourdes

Shani and Melissa

Kimmy, Debbie and Jared
Me and Lourdes

Rody, Ashton, Freddy, and Vikki

Planet bracelet, wooden shoes ornament, Birthstone Tree of life necklace and beautiful Christmas card from Pam that she painted.  So sweet of her to think of all of us and bring us such meaningful gifts.
Kimmy, Vikki, Debbie, Melissa, Amanda, and Shani

Melissa, Chrissy, Joey, Vikki, Kimmy, Bill and I

Bill, Chrissy, Joey, Debbie and I

Bill, Chrissy, Joey and I

Kimmy and Jared with the Capitol in the background

Our Faith Riders Christmas Party

Bill....his last month as president of Faith Riders

Melissa rode with Bill and I, and Kimmy, d, Vikki and Rody all met at our house and rode together to Lansing to Chrissy and Joey's Michigan Wedding Reception at the Italian Troppo Kitchen.  Bill and Jared took different ways when we got to 52.  Bill was really happy when we got on the expressway and he saw them behind us ha ha.  Jared passed us and was going 82.  He knew Bill would be the one getting the ticket if he was the one behind.  We got to the restaurant at the same time after taking another different route.  We had a very nice time and it was so nice seeing everyone.  Pam and Dick were here from N. Carolina and Angie was here from Kansas.  Nice to see Jill and her relatives too.  Nice seeing the pictures from the wedding.  Bill, Melissa and I left there at 4:30.  We dropped Melissa off and then went right to the forestation where our Faith Rider's Christmas party was.  We didn't eat much, but had a great time.  Loved singing Christmas Carols and talking with everyone.

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