Monday, December 9, 2019

Monday, 12/9/19...Happy Birthday to Carol, Cleaned upstairs, washed Foyer light, put stair decorations up, cleaned kernel burner

Cute picture of Evan with his creations

Wished Carol a Happy Birthday.  Texted Angie and set up meeting for breakfast tomorrow before she flies back to Kansas.  Cleaned upstairs, decorated stair rail, and cleaned the foyer light.  Bill fixed the door on the kernel burner and then I vacuumed the kernel burner out so it would be clean for the parties.  Ordered some stuff on amazon.  Fed the birds before the cold spell comes.  Did my Christmas cards and got them ready to mail.  Talked to Kenzie for a long time which I enjoyed.  Talked to her later on too, but just for a little while.  Watched a Hallmark Movie with Bill.

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