Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sat. 12/14/19...Schaard Christmas Party at our house

Family gathering for prayer before eating

Tom, Bill, Lourdes, Fred, Matthew, Alex, Amanda and Debbie

Isaac and Matthew

Debbie, Vikki, Tom, Fred and Lourdes

Eli, Jack, Max, Adam, Evan, Isaac, Jacob and Peyton eating in the basement
Jack, Adam and Max spending time in the basement

Peyton doing Kenzie's hair
The grandkids opening Aunt Debbie's ornaments she got them from Bronners

Travis and Kenzie

Hailey and Kenzie
Family picture

Family picture with Travis in it

Peyton giving me a nice hug

Debbie and I...she was happy with her set of trees with the nativity on it like in  the background
The red plaid wearers at the party...Rody, Bill, Lourdes, me and Jared.  Only Jared's mom noticed his shirt is buttoned wrong. We saw him correcting it later

Adam and Max

Max and Jacob
Peyton and Isaac
The grandkids with Aunt Debbie and their ornaments from her

Another picture with Travis added

Travis and Kenzie with Aunt Debbie

Bill, me and Debbie with ornament she gave us

Beautiful ornament from Debbie with grandkids names on it

Kenzie and her Uncle Fred

Jacob and Uncle Fred

Isaac and Matthew

Papa and Peyton

Kenzie and Adam

Bill opening ornament from Debbie

He was happy it was a marine ornament

Debbie and Bill

Kimmy, Kenzie and Jared

Eli with his gift card to McDonalds

Evan and Melissa

Beautiful Bell ornament that Kenzie made me.  She made me some essential oil too and put some in it for me here  Love it Kenzie!

Kenzie and her Uncle Jared with the ninja pendant she made him with a bee
Made sure to read my Bible and spend time with the Lord before I got too busy.  Got everything ready and crockpots out to use when it was time to load them with food.  The girls and their families all got here and the were great helps as always. Fred and Lourdes got here at 3.  Tom, Matthew, Alex and Amanda got here around 4:30 and Debbie came at 5:30.  We all had fun visiting and eating together.  After we ate, Kimmy and Vikki put all the food away and cleaned up the kitchen.  They always do this.  What amazing daughters.  They make me sit down and visit with people while they bless me.  Thank you both so much. Love you to pieces.  We opened our gifts after we ate.  Got Doltera Soap, a change purse with a tiny tube of chapstick, and a keychain friend of Lourdes's in Mexico made.  Very nice!  We all sat around visiting and then the grandkids opened their Christmas ornaments from Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tom.  They were happy with the cute ornaments.  Travis got an Owl and two hummingbirds.   Bill handed out Starbuck $5 cards to adults, Kenzie, Travis and Hailey.  Max got a Taco Bell one and the rest got McDonalds gift cards.  They were pretty happy.  What a wonderful blessed day with family.  I love my family!

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