Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sunday, 12/29/19...Went to church, Went to lunch at Olive Garden with Beemer Family, Watched the Christmas DVD's

Bill relaxing and playing a game on his phone

We got up early to get ready for church and have time to read our Bibles.  I talked to Pat who just lost her husband and was having a hard time during Christmas.  Then I talked to Lisa who is going through an emotional time.  I went into the prayer room and the first person who prayed, prayed for people who would be at church who are grieving or going through relationship troubles.  God is so
good to put it on hearts to pray for what is happening without even having to say anything.  After church, we came home and changed, then met The Beemer family and Melissa and Scott at Olive Garden.  We had yummy spaghetti and brought some home.  We had fun and a good time visiting.
Melissa and Scott are a really nice couple.  She doesn't eat any cheese, so Bill was pretty happy to have company and so was she.  We came home and I watched the Christmas DVD's.  I loved watching them and seeing all those precious personalities in the family.  I got some good laughs too.  Kept in touch with Kimmy on their trip home and did lots of praying (got her sisters praying too) because of fog warnings. I was very happy when they got home safely.  We watched the Movie Hatchi.  It sure was a tear jerker, but a very good movie.

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