Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Tues., Dec 24, 2019..Happy Birthday Jesus!!! Had our family Christmas...It was such a nice day

Mykenzie, Vikki and Rody
Peyton and Isaac
Isaac, Peyton and Kenzie
Jacob, Jack and Adam

Bruce, Melissa and Max
Hailey, Jack Evan
Max, Jack, Hailey, and Evan
Bill reading the Bible, Evan watching.

Everyone ready to open gifts
Eli gets most expressive face award for the day!  Love his expressions
Eli with all of his gifts and his cute expression

Bill and I

 Adam and Jacob
 Peyton opening her gel pens...Uncle Jared, Adam, Jacob and Kenzie in background
Eli opening his money from Papa and I...Jared and Adam watching
 Eli opening gift...see what I mean about expressions.  Evan, Jack and Jared watching 
 Eli with his Lego set!
 Adam and Jacob
 Jacob with Nerf gun we got him
 Jared with pins Kenzie made him...Truman is on one of them
 Bill giving his gift a thumbs watching

Adam and Eli in the basement putting legos together
Charlie, Jared, Jacob, Bill and Bruce....Euchre game going on
Eli and Jack with the stack of money boxes I use for grandkids Christmas money.
                                             Max very happy with his Taco Bell card and Cheez'its
Jack and Adam
Evan, Eli and Kody
Hailey and Peyton
Bill reading the Christmas Story, me next to him and Isaac videoing

Bill with his Jingle Bell Hat on
Hailey With her coffee and her phone
Max, Jacob, Hailey and Adam in the back row
Isaac, Kody, Peyton, Jack, Eli and Evan in front
Kenzie with Peyton's Kitty Ears on
Hailey, Peyton, Eli, Isaac and Rody
Bruce getting a little shut eye

Jacob and Kenzie
Bill, Stacie and I
My Kenzie and I

Peyton, Jacob and Kenzie
Jacob with his new Beat Headphones

Got up early and made the cheesy potatoes, set tables, and got everything ready.  Read my Bible and worshipped Jesus!  I am so thankful for Him and what He has done for us.  Kimmy and family got here about 9, and Melissa and her family and Vikki and her family shortly after.  We snacked on sausage, cheese, crackers and Christmas Cookies.  Took some pictures and videos and then opened gifts.  The kids did their gift exchange first.  It was fun watching them and they gave each other such thoughtful gifts.  We all opened according to age afterward.  We all got such nice gifts and our family is so special and giving.  Bill wrapped his own gifts for me this year.  First time ever!  Kimmy was out of a job.  Charlie came, but Sue wasn't feeling well, so stayed home.  Melissa and Kimmy helped set the silverware on tables.  We ate at 2. Kimmy and Vikki made me sit down, and they cleaned everything up and put all the food away.  They always do this for me and are such blessings.   I texted Stacie because they weren't here at 2.    There was a mix up and she thought it was tomorrow.  It ended up her boss let everyone go home, so she picked DJ and Kody up and they came around 3.  The girls were blessings again and got everything out for them to fix their plates and eat.  What kind hearted sweet girls.  The guys played Euchre.  We ate dessert after we were done being so full.  Rody had to leave to do sound for the Christmas Eve Service at Church.  He came back afterward.  Melissa and her family left to go to the Christmas Service at Bethlehem.  Kimmy, Jared, Jacob,Vikki and I played 3-13. I was the big winner tonight.  We watched Overcomer while we played.  Jack played his instrument for us and Eli played his recorder for us.  Then Kimmy and Vikki cleaned up everything again and unloaded the dishes from my dishwasher.  I am so blessed.  I love my family!

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