Friday, October 9, 2020

10/9/2020 Kimmy, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over to spend the day


Car, Van, truck and Bike was was open today.  Thank you so much my Billy!

Thank you Vikki for helping with the bikes, and thank you Kimmy for sewing the case to the bike. 



I transplanted my lemon tree (front plant) into a new pot today.  It's supposed to get really big.

I divided these cactus plants today.  All three were in the pot on the left.  I don't know how they all fit, but they did.  It was just getting hard to water them, so I knew I had to split them.

I got up and checked my phone early to see if Kimmy had messaged me.  She hadn't.  She had mentioned coming over today for a deck visit.  I got busy doing stuff and when I checked my phone a half hour later, there was a message from Kimmy.  Yay, she was coming over.  I started getting stuff ready to make homemade macaroni and cheese.  I was almost finished making it when Kimmy called and said she was here.  Vikki and the kids got here a little while after Kimmy.  I put the Mac and cheese in the oven to bake.  We visited on the deck and drank our coffee.  We moved the swing into the sunshine.  It was so nice sitting out there.  We ate out on the deck too!  We all liked the Mac and Cheese!  I don't make it for just me because Bill doesn't like it.  I was so happy to have the girls here.  Bill did a carwash for all of us with the power washer.  They all looked so nice when he finished.  Bill and Vikki washed the fold up bikes and his two bikes, (motorized and regular).  Kimmy sewed the case for one of the fold up bikes.  Vikki took pictures and is going to sell them for us.  I put shorts on, I was so hot outside.  Kimmy was wearing shorts.  Vikki was in long pants and muck boots.  She was roasting.  Vikki saw a small snake, so I went and got Peyton and Isaac to come see it.  Then Vikki and I set some mole traps to catch those buggers!  They sure can mess up a yard.  After Kimmy left, Vikki, Peyton, Isaac and I went to Walgreen's to get our flu shots.  They were nice and safe there.  I didn't even feel it!  She did great with all of us.  A friend of Rody's who works there made sure the kids got suckers afterward.  She was so sweet to them and us.  We went to Menard's after that.  We found some pots to transplant our plants in.  There were only a couple of people in the plant department.  When I got home, I transplanted my plants, and put pet and kid friendly De-con containers in the camper, the shed, and the storage thing I have my cushions in.  Vikki called and the kids both got all of their spelling words right. YAY!  She asked me if I took my bandaid off from my flu shot yet.  I hadn't.  She said she only had a speck of blood, Isaac had a tiny bit more than that, and Peyton had a bigger spot on her bandaid.  They asked me to check mine and I didn't have any on mine.  My arm was sore though and when I mentioned it to Vikki, she said they took Motrin when they got home.  I forgot about that.  I always go with Melissa and she always reminded me to take some when I got home. I missed going with Melissa this year, but was happy when Vikki mentioned it today and she let me follow them and go with them.   I talked to Melissa for a while today.  Bill and I played 3-13.  We went up and down the hill, and he beat me, but not by much.  

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