Monday, October 5, 2020

Monday, 10/5/20, Went to Vikki's, then Home Depot, painted some things, VOTED!

Isaac playing a game with Kenzie

Peyton playing a game with Kenzie too

File cabinet I painted

Bike plant holder I painted

Beautiful fall day

More color coming on the tree

Bill was supposed to meet Charlie, but Charlie still isn't feeling good since his radiation ended. Please pray for him.  He went and got a coffee from Tim Horton's, and when he got home we went to Vikki's to drop off stain and boards to her.  We went to Home Depot afterward.  We couldn't find hardware for the file cabinet, so just got some paint.  Bill wants me to try painting the ones we have.  When we got home, I painted the handles and painted the bike plant holder Vikki got me.  It is so nice!  Thanks Vikki!  It was a beautiful warm fall day, so I took some pictures in the yard.  Bill and I voted.  We voted our values which we get from reading God's Word.  Went to our township office and dropped off our ballots.  Vikki brought Peyton and Isaac over.  They played a game with Kenzie on their devices.  We watched America's Funniest Videos and then some How It's Made shows.  We read the Bible before bed.  I tucked them in and prayed with them.

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