Friday, October 2, 2020

October 2, 2020, Moved a few things around upstairs, gave primer coat to file cabinet, Got food from Turkey Roost, Went to Sam's Club


Got us each a caramel apple from Jacks. We split one and ate it today.

Switched the keyboard and vanity around today

Started painting the file cabinet today.  Bill is going to take the ceiling fan panels down so I can paint them too

Peyton and Isaac had to go to take a reading test at their new school today.  They did great!

Did our usual morning routine and then Bill took his Marine Corp. League stuff and gave it to the new Commandant.  Bill has been it for tow years.  After that they have to step down and let someone else be it.  Now they want him to be the Chaplain, which he will love. I was sad to hear that President Trump's and his wife, Melania have Covid.  We sure are praying for them.  I moved a few things around upstairs, then decided to give the file cabinet a coat of primer.  Bill mowed the grass while I did the painting.  Peyton and Isaac did great on their reading test at their school.  They read to me on Tuesdays, and are such good readers now.  I knew they would do great.  We split a caramel apple from Jack's as our snack/lunch to hold us over til we eat later. They are so big we decided we couldn't eat a whole one.  It was so delicious!  I can't wait to split the other one. YUM!  At 4 we went to the Turkey Roost and got a Walleye Dinner to eat.  I should have taken a picture of the cars in the take out line.  It was a huge line up, way back even on the road.  Nice and safe their which I liked.  Rich Dudek was declared cancer free on Wednesday.  He had such great results from his treatments and surgery that he doesn't have to go back as often for checkups now.  He had four kinds of cancer, but none of them spread.  Praise the Lord.  He sure is a miracle.  He and his wife, Pat, went through a lot over the last two years.  Praying the same great results for Charlie.  We stopped at Sam's Club and picked up Printer toner and a few other things.We weren't going to stop if it was busy like Friday's usually are.  It wasn't busy at all, so got out stuff quickly and left.  We stopped at the New Furniture Store, Loves, where Art Van's used to be.  It only had a few cars in the parking lot, so we walked through and looked.  Nice store and we are happy to have a new business move in.  I prayed they will do well when I was walking through there.  We came home and there was a special on television, showing President Trump being taken to Walter Reid Hospital.  They are taking lots of precautions so he has the best care.  We watched Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. Talked to Vikki lots today.

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