Friday, June 17, 2022

Friday, 6/17/22, Worked on stuff for graduation party, cleaned, helped with tent some, went to Old Town Drive in


Me, Hailey and Debbie
Evan, Hailey and Jack

Kit Kat wanted to hang out where Abby was.  Max was keeping an eye out for Abby

They set the tent up in a perfect spot for it
Max, Abby, Bruce and Bill

I picked up some gift cards at Kroger, then picked up Hailey.  We met Debbie at I Hops.  We had a yummy breakfast and a great visit.  Debbie gave Hailey a really cute graduation ornament from Bronner's and a card with money in it.  I dropped off Hailey and saw the picture boards she and Melissa have been working on.  They are so nice.  Max and Bruce were loading up the van with pop and drinks to take to our house.  I visited for a few minutes with Melissa, then left for home.  I cleaned the kitchen, bathroom and utility rooms and mopped the floors.  Bruce and Max got here and unloaded the pop.  Bill and I helped them.  Mr. Parks and his kids came and we all helped carry stakes and poles and put them by the tent.  The kids really wanted to pet Kit Kat, but she was just wanting to be feisty and play.  I told Jada to come sit on the swing on the other side because that's where Kit Kat likes to sit and lets me pet her a long time.  Well she wasn't having anything to do with that today.  She just jumped down and wanted to bite at me.  Max came and sat with us and we all had a nice visit.  Max told her about seeing the movie, Jurassic Park, talked about the animals he helps with and also about some old laws that no one knows about any more these days.  He talked a lot with Jada's dad too.  He had him for a teacher and really liked him.  I gave the kids Fat Boy Ice cream sandwiches and Mr. Parks ice water.  I planted a plant tonight and moved some more stuff out of the garage.  Pulled some weeds too. 

Bill and I went to Old Town and had coney dogs, fries and root beer for dinner.  It was so good.  We came back and I cleaned stuff out of the pool that had blown in from the cover yesterday.  Today it was very windy again, but the wind was blowing the right direction so it wasn't blowing stuff into the pool. 

Melissa, Bruce and Max stopped over to bring some more stuff.  Tomorrow is the big day.
I texted with my sister, Brenda.  She was excited about coming to the graduation, but then 
she was coming with her daughter and kids and the kids got sick.  Now she can't come, but we are planning a get together in August when she retires.  

It was a busy day.  Looking forward to seeing lots of friends and family tomorrow.  Praying Hailey's special day is very blessed!

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