Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Wed., 6/1/22, Worked on cleaning out sheds with Bill, Had pool water tested, Took Evan to lunch, Bill took Max to lunch, Went to Eli's soccer game

Evan taking the back off so he can put sticks and leaves in for the butterflies
Evan after he hung the butterfly house 

Caught the mischievous raccoon!  Yay!
Evan playing Sorry with me
He sure was happy when he beat me.  It was super close.  We each needed to get one in and were only a few spaces away.
Max and Bill getting ready to put posts around the garden for an electric fence

Evan ready to blow the leaves out from under the pool deck....He asked for a mask, glasses and gloves....He was ready for the task at hand!
I was thankful he wanted to do this job and was strong enough.  

He did such a good job, I had him blow off the tables and chairs and deck too.  He sure is a joyful worker
Bill and Max working on the posts

I was happy to catch the raccoon last night.  Bill took it right away and dropped it off.  I cleaned and organized a few things in the garage.  We cleaned out lots of stuff in the loft of the big shed we are selling, giving away, and donating.  We also did some organizing up there.   

Got a pool water sample and Bill took it in for me when he went in to town.  Everything was great except we needed to add PH increaser which I already had here.  Bill picked Max up and took him to Culver's.  I messaged Melissa to see if Evan wanted to go to lunch with me and he replied a Big Yes right away.  She called me and I could hear he was very excited.  He picked McDonalds, so we picked up burgers, fries, a shake and a frappe and came to my house to eat it, which he also picked.  We had fun hanging out and he sure was a huge help blowing the leaves out from the storage areas under the pool deck.  We were surprised to see Bill and Max pull in. Max was a big help with putting the posts around the garden.  Nice to have lots of grandsons who are great helpers and help joyfully.  

In the evening, we went to Eli's soccer game.  Eli played really well.  He sure moves fast and keeps his eye on the ball.  He's a leader out there too, helping the newer players know what to do.  It was fun watching them.  They all played hard and never gave up.  The other team was a super good team and scored points right away.  Our team scored a point near the end of the game.  Boy did we cheer for them!

I talked to Vikki.  Her car Hybrid light and another warning light came on.  Sure am praying it can be fixed and she can continue to have her gas saver.  

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