Saturday, June 18, 2022

Sat. June, 18, 2022, Hailey's graduation party today! Maddy's shower

Such a fun graduation party for Hailey.  Congratulations my Hailey Girl!  I am so proud of you!  I love you tons!


Melissa, Bruce, Hailey and boys came and we all worked on decorating and setting up things in the garage.  It looked great when it was done.  Hailey had some friends parties to go to.  I went to Maddy’s shower.  It was set up beautiful.  I only had a few minutes to stay there, but glad I got to be there.  Vikki came and we all set out the food when it was close to the time for people to come.  Kimmy came then and helped too.  Melissa and Bruce did amazing organizing and ordering everything.  The party started at 4 and went til 7 although some stayed later.  Lots of family and friends came and we all enjoyed the day.  Cathy and Tim came and stayed past time for it to be over.  We loved visiting with them and everyone.  My sister Brenda was supposed to come and wanted to help set up, but her daughter who wanted to come too, had two of her kids get sick, so they ended up not being able to come.  She sent us some sweet messages.  Hailey had fun and had lots of friends from school come.  Three of her friends stayed and hung out and played games til 11:30.  We were so happy everything went so well and God blessed us with a beautiful day in the 70’s.  

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