Monday, February 12, 2018

2/12/18...Met Best Friend Vikki for Lunch, Vikki and the kids came over...Yay, they are healthy happy to see them

Peyton and Issac
I called my friend Vikki to see if she was still going to be able to come to Saginaw from Grand Haven to meet for lunch.  Didn't know if she would drive with all the snow, but she said she was still coming.  I did some cleaning for care group. Then I packed up dish cloths I knitted to give to Vikki for her ministry to sex traffic victims.  Bill had to go to a 1 p.m. appointment at the VA.  Vikki called me when she was getting close, so we met at Famous Dave's and got there at exactly the same time.  I was so happy to see her as we haven't seen each other since before Christmas.  She had a lot going on helping her parents to are having health issues and then the weather didn't cooperate at other times.  What a fun time we had catching up and was a great meal.  I am so thankful God gave me her for a best friend.  She is such an encourager and lives out the love of Jesus in her actions.  After we spent a lot of time at the restaurant, we went to her brother's house where she stays when she is here and we visited some more.  After I left there, I came home and was happy to see Vikki, Peyton and Isaac.  It has been a long time since I've seen them too because of them being sick.  What a happy day!  We played a game called Left, Right, Middle that was lots of fun. The kids sure were good at it.  Vikki found out what part we need to fix our recliner.  There is a spring that is bent underneath.  Thanks Vikki!  I forgot to take a picture so I borrowed this cute picture Vikki put on Facebook.  Happy to get my hugs I have been missing.  Bill and I watched a movie.  I did my lesson for small group.

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