Tuesday, February 20, 2018

2/20/18....Went to breakfast, went to Melissa's, went to the Home Store, Went to Kimmy's

Me feeding "Grandpa"!  Such a cute lamb

Bill had to lower the curtain rod so the curtains would be long enough

Got the two extra panels today  How was I to know they only put one panel in a package now but show a picture of two.  I should have read the fine print

Adam put on a concert for me and a fine job he did too!

Three of my wonderful grandsons

Eli loves this book

I went to breakfast.  There were thirteen of us there.  After breakfast, I went to Melissa's.  She made me a coffee and I had a brownie that Evan made.  It was delicious.  I stayed for a while and visited and then I went to the Home Store and got two more curtain panels.  Ridiculous that they only pt one panel in a package now.  Always trying to make more money I guess.  I stopped at a couple more stores and then came home.  It was so warm out (almost 60) that I was roasting when I got in the house and had to turn the pellet burner off.  Nice for February.  Bill lowered the curtain rod and we hung the curtains on the sliding glass door.  The bird feeder was knocked down, so I filled it and hung it back up and filled the other feeders.  Went to Kimmy's after that.  We went out to check on the sheep.  One of the Romney lambs was sleeping on top of it's momma.  It was so cute, but neither Kimmy or I had our phones to take pictures.  The lambs are so cute and these sheep are much calmer and more friendly.  We visited and Kimmy helped me decide on what shampooer to get with my points.  I had three to choose from.  We went out and I got to feed the lamb named Grandpa his bottle.  He didn't want it outside, but once he got in the barn he couldn't drink it fast enough.  He sure is adorable and is doing so well now.  Kimmy and I played 3-13.  I started out really good, but then things changed.  Kimmy won!  Loved seeing the boys when they got off the bus.  They all had a good day at school.  Adam played his trombone for us.  He is so excited about his upcoming concert.  Sure wish I could go to it. He is playing so nice now.

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