Friday, February 9, 2018

2/9/18...Bill went to the SportsZone at 5:30, I did my walking at home,

Bill went at 5:30 am to the SportsZone to walk and play cards.  I always go later so decided to stay home today and walk in the basement because I didn't want to drive on snowy roads.  Did my walking to Praise and Worship music and got my three miles in.  Found blueprints to our house in the attic.  Kind of fun to look at them.  Ate left over pizza for lunch!  Talked to Melissa and she said the roads are getting bad.  She had to pick Max up because he had diarrhea at school.  She got him home and fed him and he did fine after that.  Thinks maybe his blood sugar dropped.  Poor boy!
Valley Lutheran, White Pine, and Heritage High Schools are having Anthony Ianni, a Michigan State Basketball player, speak.  He calls this program Relentless!  He was diagnosed with autism when he was 4.  Doctors and physologists said he would barely graduate, would not go to college and would be in a group home.  He proved them wrong;  graduated from high school, went to Grand Valley,  became an amazing basketball player at MSU and graduated from Michigan State   He was bullied a lot when he was young and he goes to school and speaks to kids to make them aware of Autism and bullying.  He has strong faith and this program gives kids hope and also makes bullies aware of what they are doing to kids.  Bill had to snow blow the driveway again today.  Got about 4 inches of snow.  He asked Joan if she could find someone to cover my class for me on Valentine's day so he could take me to a dinner and dance at the Horizons.  Joan let him know that she found someone so he showed me her text.  It was really sweet.  I am looking so forward to our date night!

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