Thursday, February 15, 2018

2/15/18...Cleaned the pellet insert today, Took Valentine's for Isaac and Peyton to Vikki before she went into work, went to see Melissa, Went to funeral, helped residents at Community Village play Bingo

Katie put this picture on facebook today!  Vikki is on the far left and Kimmy is  behind the girl  sitting in the blue.  Love so many of the kids in this picture!  Katie confessed in her comment to me that they toilet papered our house.  Of course we knew as we taped the whole thing.  We sure had some laughs over that.  They not only toilet papered, they forked the lawn.  
Isaac and Peyton with the Valentine goodie bag from us


Peyton with her lip whistle

Isaac with his lip whistle
There were lots of kids at the funeral


I took the kid's valentines to Vikki so she could give them to the kids today.  I went to visit Melissa after that.  Nora was there and was so cute.  Melissa and I ate a delicious no bake cookie.  Guess you could say we were celebrating that our flu shots are effective since yesterday.  I came home and cleaned out the pellet insert.  Then I got ready to go to the funeral.  Wes and Gayla picked me up.  Bill was volunteering to drive patients at the VA hospital so wasn't able to go.  We got to the church and found out Victoria had committed suicide. She shot herself. Such hard news and sad news to hear.  My heart is hurting for her family.  A friend said there were no signs that she would ever do such a thing.  The church was big and it was packed.  We had 12 of us from CMA there.  Half the church were youth.  The pastor gave a good message filled with hope in Jesus.  After the funeral, we came back, stopped at Tim Horton's for cappuccino's and muffins.  We went to Community Village to help the residents with Bingo after that.  Bill was already there.  Bob and Joanna, Luis, Elaine, Wes and Gayla, and Bill and I all showed up to help.  We had a great time with all the wonderful residents.
Bill and I went to Subway afterwards and he got a teriyaki chicken sub and I got a meatball marinara sub.  We got footlongs because they were only a few more cents than a 6 inch.  Figured we could eat the other half tomorrow.

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