Wednesday, September 12, 2018

9/12/18....My dad would have been 102 years old today! I sure do miss him. Melissa came to visit, went through all the stuff from the bathroom and utility room stored in boxes, Bill and I got some pictures hung in the bathroom, Went to Menards, Michaels, the Home Store, and Hobby Lobby with Bill. Went to eat at Culver's, Cleaned with Vikki,

Bill and I got one pictures and towel racks hung.  Put stuff in the cabinet over the toilet.
Making progress on getting organized again.
We slept in until 8.  Bill went to the SportsZone.  I worked on going through stuff and getting the cabinet in the bathroom filled.  Put things that will go in my cabinet Rick is making in tubs until he brings it on Friday.  I went and helped Melissa do a few things around the house and then brought her to my house so we could hang out.  We had coffee and Molasses cookies from the Mennonite Store.
We went and sat on the swing glider outside on the back deck.  Had a nice relaxing visit.  Talked to Sue on speaker phone too.  Took Melissa home.  Bruce's Aunt Terry is coming to visit them today.
I cleaned and organized more when I got home.   Bill had a little boo boo on the bathroom wall when he was hanging the toilet paper holder from his sister Angie.  Put a few big holes in the dry wall.  We went to Menard's and then went to get Jack to take him to Hailey's volleyball game.  We got to their house and Bruce came out and said there wasn't going to be a game because the other team had a mix up somehow.  We went to Michaels, The Home Store, and Hobby Lobby to get what we needed to fix it up.  Praying our idea works.  We went to Culver's and had a burger, noodle soup (Bill had chili) and a concrete mixer.  Fun date!  We came home and Vikki came over to bring the Faith Rider's Banner for Bill.  She also came to help me clean the family room.  So nice to have that done and be able to sit and relax in there now, and have the grandkids over and have them have a place to hang out.  Vikki did a great job cleaning and is fast at it too.  Melissa called us while we were working and we talked to her and Hailey.  When I FaceTimed Melissa to show her how nice the family room looks now, Jack got on with her and said that couldn't be my house because it was too clean.  What a funny boy he is. It has been messy and dusty for 10 weeks now though so I know why he said it.

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