Friday, September 21, 2018

9/21/18...They got the cabinet in the bathroom, Took Melissa to therapy, Went to dinner at Bob Evans with Rich and Pat and then to a movie

So happy our cabinet is in and the bathroom is finished!

John was very happy when I went to visit him today.  Family was coming to take him to the Olive Garden.  He was sweet and invited me to go too, but I couldn't

This morning when the workers got here at 7:30, I was prepared and ready.  They filed on the cabinet.  Rick yelled, Oh no Penny, you better come her quickly.  I hurried thinking something awful had happened.  When I got in the bathroom, they said, It's all in and showed me that the cabinet was in.  They got a good laugh.  It looks beautiful and sure holds lots of stuff.    I made Bill his oatmeal and then made mine.  I was carrying it into the dining room, and I dropped the bowl.  It went flying and there was oatmeal, raisins and nuts all over the table, all over the chair and on the carpet I had just shampooed yesterday.  It was almost as bad as Bill's chili spill on the carpet.  I scraped it up with a putty scraper, then wiped everything down and shampooed the carpet in that spot again. I used my spin mop and scrubbed the kitchen and utility room floors.   I ended up skipping breakfast and making lunch after all that.  Then I went to Melissa's to take her to therapy.  Did a few things at her house for her and then we left.  I went to Menard's, The $ Store and Walmart while she was at therapy.  Went to see John at the rehab too.  Had a nice visit and took him for a walk around the rehab.  Sure is a big place.  Came home for about 10 minutes.  Put chairs, etc. back in place since the floors were dry.  Picked Melissa up and took her home.  Came home and started shampooing the steps so I could get whatever was tracked up the steps out.  Got half way done and had to quit so we could go meet Rich and Pat at Bob Evans.  Ate and then came home for a little while because we had time before the movie started and they wanted to see our bathroom.  We went and saw Unbroken, Path of Redemption.  It was a true story and was very good. 

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