Friday, September 7, 2018

9/7/18...Yay, Melissa came home. Went to take cookies for her to give her therapist. Went to car show in Frankenmuth, Went to Debbie and Dale's Afterward

Bruce, Melissa and Abby celebrating with Starbucks because she is home from the Rehab Hospital.

Four happy kiddos because their mommy is home...happy dog too

The boys are running to see their mom and the teachers and students are welcoming Melissa because she just got out of the hospital and went with Bruce to pick the kids up.  So touching how these friends show so much love to Bruce,  Melissa and their family!

The boys were so excited to see their mom they jumped through the van window.  Glad Bruce had his camera ready

Made chocolate chip cookies for Melissa's favorite therapist who had her the whole time

Melissa and her favorite therapist

My favorite car there

Me by a Pontiac Lemans the color and make of my first car

Bill by a 57 Chevy like he had for his first car only his was green

Bill wanted to take a picture of me by this red Lemans the same year mine was too

Bill by his brick his sister, Debbie, got for him in Frankenmuth

This is one good looking car show dude!
If you zoom in you can see all the people down the street.  There were tons going both directions.
Bill and I had fun going to the car show in Frankenmuth.  We took pictures, walked around, talked to some friends we saw from church and Stacie's in laws.  What a fun time.  Wes and Gayla were at the other end so we didn't get to see them.  We went to Debbie and Jeff Davis's afterwards since we parked across from their house.  Their house is right where Bill used to live when he was a kid.  They tore his house down though and it's a street now.  We had a great visit, enjoyed seeing their kitchen remodel, and then they prayed over us before we left.  It was a beautiful evening and was just the right temperature.

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