Monday, September 10, 2018

9/10/18...Took Melissa to her PT Eval., Brought her to my house for a while, Took lunch to her house and ate,, Went to Aldi's, Made a Roast, carrots and potatoes and took it to Marie and Roy, The workers finished the bathroom...We have a working toilet YAY. Cleaned the dining room

Yay, the toilet is in and working

Hi to whoever wrote this nice message in my dust.  Am I ever glad the workers are done and I can clean the house now.
Took Melissa to her PT Evaluation at 8:45.  She had a nice therapist named Lauren and she did a great job evaluating Melissa and was very positive.  We came to my house afterwards.  We didn't stay too long because the toilet wasn't hooked up yet and I didn't want Melissa trying to go up my steps with the curve and only one rail.  I took my take home extra meal from Olive Garden and we ate at Melissa.  It was Chicken Fettucini and broccoli.  It was delicious.  I also took some homemade Mennonite wheat bread and molasses cookies.  i unloaded the dishwasher for her and then loaded it.  Then she was going to rest and I headed home.  I thought Vikki would probably stop in to see her when she got out of work.  I was right, but because my car wasn't there Vikki didn't stop.  She though Melissa had to have someone there all the time so she thought we were at therapy.  The workers finished the bathroom.  Yay.  They do have to come Friday or Saturday and put the cabinet Rick build in.  Also have to fix up between the bedroom and bathroom where the carpet and flooring meet.   Nice to be able to start cleaning and know it will not be covered in powdery dust tomorrow.  I took the roast to Marie and Roy and visited for a few minutes.  She was feeling much better today.  I was very happy about that.  Nice to get home and be able to put the car in the garage.  9 weeks I have been parking outside. Bill started hanging the light in the utility room.  The old one wasn't working right anymore.  I did some laundry and we watched a movie on Hallmark

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