Sunday, May 3, 2020

Day 49, 5/3/2020, Watched Church online, Got groceries at Meijer's

Ready to take communion this morning during our church service.  These little cups were given to us at the Jesus Experience in Florida.  They are made of olive wood from Bethlehem.
Beautiful evening

Read my Bible, worshipped and prayed before our online church service started.  Also got communion ready for us to take.  Worship was amazing, and the message was great.  So nice to take communion together and remember what Jesus did for us!  Angie in Kansas, Fred in Washington, and Dawn all watched with us.  Nice to have our relatives be able to join us.  It was 70 degrees out and beautiful even though a little windy.  I spent a lot of time outside and Bill did too.  I was reading and checking on my plants.  Bill was working on pens.  I talked to and FaceTimed with Melissa and kiddos and Vikki and Kiddos.  I got a sad text from Adam saying the bunny he rescued from the cats and dog, died.  He is so kind hearted and was feeding it from a bottle.  I went to check out Jack's to see if it was busy and it was super busy.  They were counting people who went in, but too many cars there for me.  I went to Meijer's and did my shopping.  They weren't very busy.  Not everyone was wearing a mask though so I didn't like that.  I will stick to Pat's for my shopping outings and Aldi for my deliveries.  Got everything I needed except wipes.  Watched the President's townhall meeting at 9.

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