Thursday, May 7, 2020

Day 53, 5/7/2020, National Day of Prayer! All Honor and Glory to God!

Peyton and Isaac having lots of fun on their trampoline
Peyton by her plant
Isaac doing a flip...Papa told him he should learn how to land standing up.  By the time we got home he did and Vikki sent a video of him doing it
Isaac relaxing in his chair
Bill tilling Vikki's garden for her
There's a few leaves coming on the apple tree Bill Pruned last year...boy did he prune it lol

We watched the morning devotion.  We both read our Bibles and then read some on our books.  Spent time praying with other Christians on tv for our nation.  Thankful for a National Day of Prayer with so many praying!  Bill worked on pens some and I weeded some and transplanted some plants.  A bunny or some critter is eating my hostas and a new plant Kimmy gave me last year by the back deck.  Here kitty kitty.  I need a kitty.  Did some watering because it's been so dry.  We went to Vikki's and Bill tilled her garden for her.  We kept our distance, but it sure was nice seeing everyone.  We did a zoom meeting with Faith Riders for their officer's meeting.  It was sure nice seeing everyone.  We watched another National Day of Prayer Program and prayed along with them.  Read more on our books.

1 comment:

Vikki's Blog said...

Thank you guys for coming and doing my garden today!!!