Monday, May 18, 2020

Day 64, 5/18/2020, HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY ADAM!

Love this chicken Adam and Jacob made out of legos
Adam's Birthday cake he made....It's the lego chicken's cute!
Great job!
Vikki  took this great picture of her oriole today.  
Woke up to a rainy day!  Lots of water in the yard from overnight rain
Ink pen Bill made me
Hailey, Evan and Jack having fun jumping on their trampoline in the rain
The water in our ditch has never been this high
We've never had this much water in our garden either 
At least the blueberry bushes are up out of the water. 

We've never had water like this in the back woods either

Raspberries aren't underwater at least

Water water everywhere
Side woods by the house
At least the water went down by the end of the day

Still lots in the garden but it is down
We watched the morning devotion pastor did.  Read our Bibles, prayed and worshipped.  Had oatmeal for breakfast.  We sure were praying the rain would stop since we just planted our garden.  We were praying for Vikki's garden and Bruce's garden too.  Vikki's was doing good, but Melissa said theirs was under water.  Kimmy and Jared haven't planted yet, so that was good.  I was talking to Melissa and looked at my watch and realized it was the 18th. I told her I had to go right away so I could call Adam, because I realized it was his birthday.  He had texted me yesterday and showed me the chicken cake they made.  I didn't realize it was his birthday cake though, just thought it was a copy of his lego chicken.  In my defense, it didn't have Happy Birthday written on it yet and not candles lol.  Then this morning he sent a picture of his new knife and told me to show Papa.  That didn't click with me either.  Guess I should keep track of the days better.  I sang Happy Birthday to him and then talked to all the boys and Kimmy.  He's such a great kid!  Bill was in the shed and called Adam later to wish him Happy Birthday.  I took several walks outside when the rain let up.  Talked to Melissa and also talked and face timed with Vikki.  She's just like grandma now, shooting at the squirrels ha ha!  She is a real birdwatcher now for sure. She sure took a great picture of the oriole.
In the evening, the water went down some.  It is still sprinkling at 10 pm though.  Our total rain amount is 3.55 inches.  WOW!  We are praying for Bruce at work.  He said it's pretty bad with all this water!  Melissa had a good FaceTime doctor appt. today.  I was happy to hear that.  We had a good Zoom meeting with CMA Michigan State Leadership.


Vikki's Blog said...

Wow that rain is ridiculous!!! I cant believe how full the ditch is!

Vikki's Blog said...

I sure was out there shooting them, now I see how annoying they were for Grandma!