Monday, May 25, 2020

Day 70, Mon., 6/262020, Memorial Day! Vikki, Kimmy, Jared, Jacob, Adam and Eli came and dug out where our pool is going to go for us

Bill, Eli, Jacob, Adam and Jared working together on digging out where our pool will go.  Vikki and Kimmy worked the whole time too, but didn't want to be in the picture. 

Eli  (Jacob in background with wheelbarrow)
Jared drinking his iced tea, Jacob catching his breath....(they just had a wheelbarrow race and Jacob beat)  Jacob admitted it tired him out)  Adam working away

Look what a great job they did.  They not only dug where the pool is going, they dug out on the sides of the deck where we will put mulch so it's easier for Bill to cut.  
I think we overworked my boys!  Eli, Adam and Jacob...this had to feel good after all their hard work
Eli and Adam cooling off in their pool.  Jared and the boys made that nice deck.  
Beautiful Rainbow tonight...It was there for a really long time.  A reminder of God's Promise!

Bill sitting by the gas fire pit we got today.  

Bagged 146 face masks and filters tonight

I ate oatmeal, and read my Bible on the deck.  Vikki came over at 7 this morning.  She and I dug some more on where the pool is going.  Kimmy, Jared and the boys got here at 7:30.  They all started working right away.  Bill supervised.  The girls made me just sit and watch.  I served water, iced tea and pop whenever anyone wanted something to drink.  I ran to Home Depot and got a line level Bill needed.  I did do some raking.  It was in the 70's at 7 a.m. and warmed up quickly.  It was a good thing they came early.  They got done at 10:30 an it got really hot after that.  They all worked so hard and did such a great job.  They are all amazing with such great attitudes and joyful hearts.  When Jacob was done, he said "That was Fun".  Jared sprayed me from behind with the hose while I was sitting in my chair.  That was a surprise, but I must say it felt good.  Can't believe my son in law would do that though as there is a saying in our family that "Not everyone wants to get wet in the pool",  That's only because a kid had a supersaver in the pool when we were camping and I said that  because I didn't want him shooting it at me.  It sure stuck.  Vikki called me and she found a floating basketball hoop for the pool for $5.  Great deal!  Bill and I went to Midland to pick up a gas fire pit he saw on FaceBook Market Place. I made potato salad and Bill grilled burgers.  We had corn on the cob which was delicious.  Vikki came over and brought the basketball hoop.  She thought it was put together wrong, so started working on it.  It ended up that only one part was on wrong.  It started to downpour.  It quit as soon as she was done working on it.  She left after that.  I talked to Melissa for a while and we Face Timed each other.  She sure is enjoying her family time with Bruce off.  He had two days off which was nice after being so busy at work because of the flooding and being gone a lot.  Adam texted me and sent me a video.  Kimmy sent me pictures of the stool, the chair and the card table they recovered.  They did a great job.  Vikki sent me a picture of the table she put together to put plants on her deck.  Very talented girls.  When the chance of more showers was over, Bill and I went out and sat by the gas fire pit on the deck.  It was so nice.  I didn't even want to come in, but when he was ready I did.  I worked on bagging 146 face masks our church group made and is donating to Correctional Officers in Michigan.  We have made 1000 altogether now.  They turned out so good.  I was just a cutter (of material), a filter ironer and folder, and a bagger.   30 more to bag tomorrow and I will be done.  It was a great day today!  I love my family.

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