Friday, May 8, 2020

Day 54, 5/8/2020, Happy Birthday to Wes, Walked 2 1/4 miles

Got some snow today..None stayed on the ground for long though
Love all the beautiful blossoms coming on my hibiscus! So fun to watch!

Yummy Chicken Salad for lunch

Got up to watch the daily devotion, but there were technical difficulties so Pastor just had us read Psalm 111 and Psalm 112 and he will do the devotion on Monday.  I looked out the window and saw that a raccoon had taken my oriole feeder and swung it around the branch.  It was pretty much upside down all the way and empty.  It also messed with my hummingbird feeder.  I was upset with that raccoon and wondering why we had these problems and others weren't.  Then I spotted an beautiful cat going under my deck.  I thanked the Lord for sending it and prayed that it was hungry for moles, etc and would scare raccoons away (they like to live under our deck).  I walked in the basement for 2 1/4 miles and listened to worship music.  Then I peaked to see if the raccoons were in the window well like usual.  They were gone!  I made eggs, bacon, and potatoes all mixed together for breakfast.  We ate and read our Bibles, then I went out and filled the oriole and hummingbird feeders again and hung them right.  I was thankful that I saw my oriole several times today feeding.  I talked to Melissa and told her about this, and she told me they had something get in to their garbage can (even though the lid was on) and get into their garbage and make a mess.  She said not to feel like I was the only one because I wasn't and she told me thanks a lot for wanting her to have critters too.  We laughed...I really don't want others to have these pests.  We called Wes to wish him happy birthday, and they told us they have caught 5 raccoons this week at their place.  I guess I have lots of company!!!  I took authority over these critters in Jesus Name, and also set a trap tonight.  Hopefully I catch the raccoon and not the kitty.  I talked to all of my sweet daughters today.  Sure love my girls.  They are amazing girls and awesome moms!  Bill and I read on our books a lot.  

1 comment:

Vikki's Blog said...

Wow that salad looks so yummy!!!