Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Day 51, 5/5/2020, Cold day, Read most of the day, Made Swiss Steak

Peyton's teacher on Zoom asked Isaac if he wanted to do show and tell with them.  He was so happy to show his drone
My Hibiscus is beautiful

Jack Zooming with Abby and Peanut for his class at school

We did our daily devotion with Pastor online.  It was Psalm 112 and was so good!  Bill read his Bible while I made eggs, bacon, ham, hash browns and toast for breakfast.  After I ate and cleaned up, I read my Bible.  Bill read some of the first Watchers (Guardians of Freelandia) book.  After I prayed for a while, I started reading the second book.  I read lots today and finished the book.  It was cold and windy outside, so I just stayed in most of the day. It was in the low 50's but with the wind felt like the 40's.  Lisa from our small group messaged me and said she was going to drop off my birthday present on the porch.  I was reading my book and then looked out and saw she had dropped it off.  I was hoping she would ring the doorbell so I could see her and say hi through the door.  She sent me a message and said to call her tonight.  I made Swiss steak in the crockpot this morning.  We had it with mashed potatoes and corn.  Kimmy called and I talked to her for a while.  She has been really busy getting lots done and cleaning out the barn.  They even knocked a wall out.  It looks so nice.  I walked outside after we ate and looked at some of my plants.  Vikki FaceTimed me while I was out there.  I didn't stay out long because of how cold it was.  We talked for a while and I watched the kids do some flips.  After I hung up from her, I called Lisa and we had a nice chat.  I am enjoying my electric throw with this cold spell.

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