Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Day 52, 5/6/2020, Watched daily devotion, Vikki and the kids stopped over, Got Lavender trees

Evan did a great job building this with legos!  He wanted Melissa to show me

Lavender Tree I got today in the garage.  It smells so good.
Isaac loves driving the scooter all around
Peyton and Isaac...Vikki and the kids came over today, but I forgot to take a picture so she sent me one
We watched Pastor's devotion this morning.  Sure enjoy these.  Angie has been messaging me that she is watching in Kansas.  Filled the oriole feeder and the bird feeder.  Wanted to do it today, because we have a cold spell coming.  Transplanted some Hens and Chicks to my planter on the deck.  Most came up from last year and are big and beautiful, but a couple needed more.  Transplanted some other plants too.  Sat outside and read on my book some.  Vikki, Peyton and Isaac stopped over to bring my parachute cord.  We visited at a distance, but I sure missed being able to hug them.  Vikki got some Hens and Chicks to plant in a pot on her porch.  She sent me a picture of her lavender tree and some other plants she got.  I had seen a picture of Angie's lavender plant and wanted one.  I went to Walmart and picked one up.  There was only one person in the plant center so that made me happy.  Bill and I both read more on our books.  Called Vikki to let her know our neighbors down the road that own Bayne's had a cute little dresser out by the road.  She came to check it out and loved it, so took it for Isaac. 

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