Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Day 58, 5/12/2020...Devotion, Walked, Put mulch down,

Bill spreading the mulch out 
Pictures of the mulch down

This was the only little area we didn't have enough mulch for.

Did our morning online devotion with Pastor Ken.  Walked 2 1/3 miles on the treadmill.  I put chicken in the crockpot to make chicken noodle casserole tonight.  Using homemade mennonite noodles in it.  We read our Bibles.  I listened to worship music while Bill worked on pens in the shed.  When I had the inside stuff done, I went out and we worked on putting all the mulch Bruce and Melissa blessed us with down.  (They just did around their house, and gave us a trailer load for ours.)  I put Preen down first and Bill started on the mulch.  Then I helped him with the front, the side by the bird feeders, and the back.  It was lots of work shoveling it, but it sure looks great.  Thank you Bruce and Melissa!  I got 15,600 steps today with walking and doing the mulch.  I'm tired and will sleep good tonight.  Vikki dropped off some burger she picked up for me.  I tried my hammock while she was here, but the straps are too short.  It would be hard finding trees that close together, so we decided it was best to return it.  Bummer, but it wouldn't be fun hunting for trees to be able to use it with.  She took it to return.  We ate the yummy casserole.  It was delicious with those noodles in it.  Watched Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune!  Set trap to catch a raccoon tonight.  Last night something ate the cat food, but escaped even though the door was closed in the morning.

1 comment:

Vikki's Blog said...

The mulch looks amazing!!!