Sunday, July 26, 2020

Day 132, 7/26/2020...Went to church, went on Motorcycle to Caro, Melissa, Bruce, Hailey, Evan and Jack came for a swim

Melissa, Evan, Hailey, Jack and Bruce

Got up and prayed and read our Bibles.  Went to church.  Pastor Jeff gave a very good message.  Worship was amazing!  We came home and I made brunch.  Then we took a ride on the motorcycle to Caro.  We delivered some flyers to the Caro Chapter for our State Rally.  It was a super hot day in the 90's and very muggy.  Kimmy tried to call me and I missed it because I forgot to turn my phone back on after church.  Bummer!  I missed it by 16 minutes, so tried to call her back right away when I saw she called.  No answer though.  Bill and I got the steps in the pool fastened down on the deck again.  We were so happy when Bruce, Melissa, Jack and Evan came for a swim and Hailey sat by Bill and I and we had a nice visit.  We had ice cream after they were done swimming. It was so much fun spending time with them.  Bill picked the cushions up after they left and put them away because it is supposed to rain.  He picked my phone and my water bottle up for me too, and the wet wipes and sanitizing wipes.  I sure was happy, when I saw he did it.  I talked to Vikki a couple of times.  

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