Friday, November 27, 2020

Friday, 11/27/2020, Bill and I moved furniture around and Bill brought the tree up. Bill picked Charlie up from the hospital, Vikki, Rody and the kids came for leftovers


The tree is up and will be decorated tomorrow

Vikki drawing during pictionary and Isaac watching

Isaac must thing Rody is going to draw something hard to guess ha ha
Isaac and Rody

Rody drawing and Isaac guessing
Peyton drawing

Isaac and Peyton

Jacob, Jared, Eli, and Adam working on the tree.  I borrowed these from Kimmy's blog because they were so cute
Jacob, Eli and Adam...(Jared hidden by Eli)
Jacob, Adam, Eli and Wyatt.  It's getting harder to tell there is a tree behind them!!!

Vikki drew this amazing picture on my boogie board in just a few minutes.  She's amazing!  Why doesn't she draw like this when we play pictionary ha ha.  I can't guess what she's drawing then usually.

Did our usual routine, then we moved stuff around in the living room to make room for the Christmas tree.  Bill carried it up from the basement.  Then he had to leave to go to Ann Arbor to pick up Charlie from the hospital and bring him home.  I called Sue and talked to her for a while.  Vikki, Rody, Peyton and Isaac came for our traditional left over day and we ate, then played pictionary.  We all had fun and the girls won!  Yay!  Isaac carried the easel downstairs for me which was very nice of him.  Peyton and Isaac ate ice cream.  The rest of us were too full for dessert.  They left, and I took a little nap.  Bill got home while I was napping and he took a nap too.  I put Christmas music on and straightened the branches on the tree so it is ready to decorate tomorrow.  Adam texted me that they are putting up their tree tonight.  Bill and I watched the movie, "A Christmas Child" on Amazon Prime with Steven Curtis Chapman in it and also the girl who played in Ann of Green Gables.  It was really good.

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