Monday, November 2, 2020

Monday, 11/2/2020, Bill went to coffee with Charlie, I went to Vikki's

Peyton and Isaac with their kaleidoscopes that we made

They are cool to look through

It's taking a long time for our tree to turn yellow.  Doesn't look like it will be as yellow this year.

Sunset through our front window

Beautiful Sunset tonight

I got up at 6 a.m. to pray and spend time with the Lord.  Pastor called a day of prayer and fasting for our church.  Very thankful he did.  Much to pray about.  Bill went to have coffee with Charlie.  I went to Vikki's to help Peyton make a kaleidoscope while she helped Isaac.  They were pretty hard for kids their age to make by themselves. They turned out nice.  Peyton cut her American Girl Doll's hair.  Vikki was pretty upset with her.  She is making her send it to the hospital where it will get a new head with new hair for $25.  Peyton has to pay for it.  Peyton told me she was really really sorry when I saw her.  She cut one of her Barbie's hair too.  She usually doesn't do things like that.  Isaac learned a couple more songs on the piano.  He played Way Maker for me.  I took chicken noodle casserole and dessert to Charlie and Sue.  He called me later to tell me how good it was and that he ate more that he should have.  Very sweet of him to call.  Bill talked to him for a few minutes after me.  I went to Vikki's to take her some voting stuff she needed since she didn't bring the kids tonight.  She found out she doesn't have to work.  The kids don't have school because of the election.

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