Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday, 11/22/2020, Got up early, Watched New Life's church service, Called and checked on Charlie, Watched a movie and had ice cream


Looked out this morning and loved seeing the wood all split and piled nicely...Nice to have it moved to its new spot

Isaac in collapsible dog cage with Lucy

Peyton in the collapsible dog cage with Lucy

Lenny loves it in there...he's such a cute dog

Got up early to pray and read the Bible before church.  We watched the church service online.  One of the best messages ever!  I made eggs, potatoes, bacon, and toast after church was done.  Bill had to take some things back to Kohl's he ordered on Amazon and something back to Menard's.  It wasn't too busy so that was good.  I talked to Sue on the phone while he went into Menard's.  Charlie was having a good day and wanted to walk the hall again.  He hallucinated last night because of the medication, so he called Sue on his cell phone and told her he was seeing things.  She went to his room right away and let the nurse know, so they changed the medication.  I read some journaling I did from 1993 to 1995 in my planner.  So much fun to read about our Florida trip when the girls were young, and so many other memories written down.  Bill and I watched the movie, Miracle Man and had banana splits while we watched.  Face timed with Vikki, Melissa Face timed me because Evan wanted to see us and tell us goodnight, and I talked to Kimmy.  Great Day!

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