Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday, 11/15/2020, Very windy today, 39 degrees, Watched our church service on line this morning, Went for a ride


Vikki sent a picture of a tree like this that fell at Misty's.  I decided I should look outside and check our trees and this is what I found

The tree broke at the bottom

Birch tree branch down too

Our scores in 3-13    

Did our daily routine and then watched our church service on line.  They were having technical difficulties, so we couldn't find it on the church facebook page.  We did find a link and were able to worship with them and listen to a great message from Pastor Ken.  I made brunch afterward.  We read our Bibles, then we both took a nap in the loveseat recliner.  When we finished our nap, I looked and Vikki had sent me a picture of a tree down at her friend, Misty's.  I went and looked out our sliding glass door and we had a tree down about the same size as Misty's.  It sure was windy out!  We decided to go for a ride.  We went and filled up the car with gas first.  It was $2.15 a gallon at the stations close to us, so we went to Sam's Club and got it for $1.89.    Good savings.  We rode in the country by all three other houses we used to live in.  Didn't see many trees down from the windy...only a couple.  Did see a big buck with a nice rack standing in a field we passed by.  Absolutely beautiful!  We were going on the road where my sister, Brenda used to live and saw a bunch of deer in a field. Didn't see any bucks though.  We saw Baynes wasn't busy, so stopped in and picked up an apple pie.  We ate burger buns when we got home and warmed up apple pie for dessert.  YUM!  Bill and I played 3-13...we went up the hill and then back down and he was the really and I mean really big winner.  Nice to have my sweetie so happy though.

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