Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wed. 11/4/2020...Bill had another EKG, Got some groceries at Aldi, Picked up Rico's Nacho's for dinner, Brought Peyton and Isaac home with me, hung our new light



Our trees turning fast now...not as bright as usual, but sure is beautiful
Bill and I hung our new kitchen light.  The other one quit working
Peyton loved playing with Kenzie's Barbies
She dressed all of these

Bill went for another EKG at the hospital instead of the VA.  They said it was good, but cancelled his shoulder surgery because they want him to have a stress test to make sure his heart will be able to handle the pain of the shoulder surgery because of his family history.  We went to look at lights for the kitchen afterward.  We found one we both liked so got it and hung it up.  It looks nice and is nice to have a bright kitchen again.  It has 3 light settings and he's hooking up a dimmer switch, so we can change between them if we want.  I picked up Rico's order for Melissa and family, plus one for Hailey, me and Bill.  Jack is enjoying trying different kinds of food now and was happy to try it.  Rico's make authentic Mexican food and we all agreed it was delicious food. Vikki met me there, and i took Peyton and Isaac with me since they are spending the night.  Peyton was happy that I found Kenzie's barbies and all their clothes. She played with them for a long time.  Isaac helped us with the light by shining the flashlight for us.  It was beautiful out today, and got to 70 degrees today.  Bill trimmed the shrubs out front and cut my plants that need cutting back down for me.  I picked up the cuttings today.  I'm loving this weather.  I'm loving our prayer devotion we are doing with our church too.  


Lela F Russell said...

Good to know that Bill is really getting all the procedures that will tell you when surgery can proceed. All the information you can get is a good thing. I'm sure you agree. Be well.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Yes, I sure agree! Thanks and you stay well. Hope your dizziness i getting better.