Monday, November 23, 2020

Monday, 11/23/2020, Charlie got a couple of tubes out today, Bill got me the new I Phone 12, Vikki brought the twins to spend the night


This was taken on my new phone the regular way

I tapped on the screen after taking the regular picture and then it took a wide view picture

Tried my phone camera on Bill while he was reading his Bible

Bill took the log splitter back at 8 this morning.  Then he came home and got ready to go to the VA to get a cap put on his tooth.  Because of Covid, they could only fill it.  On the way home, he stopped at Verizon and checked to see how much he could get off for my phone, if I upgraded.  He talked to Rody and they thought it was a good deal, so he took me there and we got me an I Phone 12.  I got a blue one.  It is so nice and the screen is bigger, but the phone is smaller, so much nicer to hold, carry etc.  They have made it so easy to transfer things from old phones to new ones, that I could do it myself.  It has some changes, but so much is the same as my other phone it made it easy to learn.  Vikki came over and showed me stuff that was different and was a huge help.  Peyton and Isaac stayed here and we had grapes, which they love, and watched a couple of Full Houses.  I read the Bible to them, we prayed and then I tucked them in.  I talked to Melissa, Face timed with Vikki and texted with Adam.  I touched up the kitchen cupboards after the kids went to bed.  We had someone come to church with Covid Sunday.  Bill had warned Pastor that she might be there, even though he told her son to tell her not to go.  Her son tested positive, then she came down with the same symptoms a couple of days later.  Her first two tests were negative, but Sunday night she got her positive results.  Pastor saw her there when he came in, so had our other pastor talk to her and tell her she had to leave.  They contacted everyone she was around, which wasn't too many.  It would have been lots more if they had let her stay.  Now we will be having on line church only next Sunday.  I'm glad we have stayed home the last 3 Sundays and watched it online.  Praying this is over soon!

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