Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thurs., 8/18/22, Vikki had her surgery, all went really well the dr. said, We picked, shucked, and froze the corn, Stopped to see Vikki, went to the fair

Isaac and Peyton were sure good helpers

Isaac, Peyton and Papa helping shuck the corn
Jack and Hailey stopped in before they went to the fair.  Hailey borrowed my fanny pack to wear on the rides so she wouldn't lose her keys or money.  

Nice apples coming on our apple tree finally.  It's been 2 years.

Jacob, Hailey, Adam, Jack and Eli at the Fair
Isaac, Peyton, and Papa at Culvers

Peyton when we stopped to see her mom
Isaac when we went to see Vikki

Adam, Eli, Isaac, Papa and Peyton in the parking lot after the fair

Bill, Kimmy, me, silly Jared, and Peyton watching the auction
Eli getting ready to show his sheep for the auction
Eli showing his sheep in the auction
Jacob getting ready to show his sheep in the auction
Adam waiting to show his sheep in the auction

Hailey and Peyton had lots of fun watching Little House.  Peyton was sure happy when Hailey wanted to spend the night here with her

I didn't sleep good last night.  I prayed a lot for Vikki's surgery this morning.  Rody called and said they took her up to do it at 9:30.  Peyton, Isaac and I picked the garden.  We heard from Rody that the surgery went perfectly.  We were all so happy and thanked God.   Bill came home with the grass catcher and picked up the grass.  It worked great.  We got the corn picked and shucked.  Bill and the kids did great helping.   Peyton and I took some corn, tomatoes and peppers back to the neighbor.  We went to Culver's and ate lunch and had concrete mixers, then came home and cooked the corn, cut it off the cob and put it in the freezer.  Got the kitchen cleaned up, then delivered corn to Melissa for their family.  Also gave her some freezer packages of corn.  We went to Vikki's next, because we got sweatshirts incase the kids got cold at the fair.  We were leaving, but then Rody came out to the car and said Vikki was awake.  He had us come back in the house.  She came downstairs and we got to talk to her.  She told me the doctor tricked her.  She was talking to the anesthesiologist and couldn't remember anything after that.  She was so serious and funny.  
We dropped corn off at Maddy and Alec's next, then headed home.  Breille comes home tomorrow.  Yay!  We got home and we went to the fair.  We found Kimmy and Jared and sat with them while we watched the boys show their sheep for the auction.  Jacob and Eli got $6.00 a lb. and Adam got $7.00 a lb for his sheep.  They all did a great job.
Jared took Jacob to his music lesson in Midland and Kimmy, Adam, Eli, Bill, Peyton, Isaac and I walked through the Merchant building and the 4 H building.  We were so happy when Adam texted and said he was coming back to walk with us, then Eli did too.  We had lots of fun.  We came home, and Hailey got here to hang out.  We had some snacks and watched some Little Houses.  

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