Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Tues., 8/30/22, Happy 19th Anniversary Kimmy and Jared, Happy Birthday Angie and Jody, Busy day...I did even take any pictures!

 Got up early and worked on putting stuff in the freezer and refrigerator.  Bill took out the garbage and then went for coffee with Charlie.  Bill has been so busy with planning the State Rally, plus mowing the yard and picking the grass up, sharing Jesus with people, washing his motorcycle, printing off lots of stuff for the rally this week, plus so much more.  I don't know how he does it all, plus is so sweet to me.  I played lots of good worship music all day.  I had a super busy day today. I filled the cat food dispenser and gave her fresh water for the week, baked butter horns and chocolate chip cookies for the bake sale for Run for the Son we are doing at the rally, made chili for our camping trip, washed Bills truck window and a really dirty window on the outside of the camper.  I also took Meredith to work, which ended up being a big part of the day since her mom didn't tell me to pick her up from school and didn't let me know what time she got out of school, plus a lot of other missing details.  I finally got her though, and we had a nice visit while driving.  When I got home, I labeled baggies and put goodies in them so they are all packaged up for the sale.   I talked to all of the girls, wished Kimmy and Jared a happy anniversary (after Kimmy mentioned it this morning).  I would have remembered eventually because my sister and Bill's sister both have birthdays on their wedding anniversary.  I was happy to hear from her.  They were driving through Amish country, which is always fun.   Max's day went really great at school.  I am so happy about that.  All the kids at his table like each other he said.  Bill and I emptied the backroom of the camper and rolled the carpet up, then he drove the motorcycle in, and we hooked it down.  Then we put the stuff back in. I went to go in the main door, and it wouldn't open.  This was a bummer because I had locked the sliding glass door.  I prayed right away, because last time that happened, I was with Vikki and the screen door latch dropped down, so the door wouldn't open.  We had the back of the camper open,  so Bill noticed the sliding glass door had a lock on it.  He put his key in, but couldn't get it open.  I tried and pushed the door toward the kitchen and it unlatched.  Were we ever happy.  How wonderful to be able to use a key.  Read my Bible.

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