Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Wed., Aug. 10, 2022, Took Adam to practice, picked the garden, prayed for kiddos on my list for VBS, Picked Adam up, Kimmy, Jack, Evan, Jacob, and Eli came over for an outside visit, Vikki and the kids came over

Yay, my Hibiscus blossomed today.  3 big blossoms.  So beautiful!

Peyton, Isaac and Adam....very cool kids visiting with us on the deck today
Evan and Jack


Jacob and Eli trying the new floaties out

Isaac and Eli with their goggles still on lol
Eli and Isaac 

Max with Vader and Peyton.  Kimmy started grinding the bondo on Vikki's car she was fixing there in the picture.  Vader didn't like the sound and began walking in circles.  Max took her away far enough so she would listen to him and sit.  He then brought her back to investigate and show her she didn't have to be afraid.  He did it perfectly and Vader just laid down and relaxed.  The instructor taught this to Max yesterday at their dog session.  They went through a car wash because Vader had acted fearful in it.  They went through twice and Vader did good.  
Max and I were both amazed at how well Vader did after walking away with Max, then listening to him, and coming back.  I'm proud of how Max listened and did what his instructor told him.  Way to go Max!

Adam, Eli, Papa and Jacob (sorry I didn't get much of Jacob in the picture)
Vader keeping his eye on Max.  He was amazing just laying there while Kimmy was making noise with the grinder.  

Peyton picking some string beans.  She picked a handful when she was inside the fence

This big butterfly kept going on the zinnias

Got up early so I could read my Bible and do a load of laundry before Adam got up.  It was nice out, so I read out there.  Also prayed again for the kids on my list to pray for for VBS.  
I prayed lots today for all of them.  I talked to Kimmy in the morning before Adam got up.  Adam got up, got ready, drank a protein drink, and we headed to Soccer tryouts.  He's very excited that he made it on the JV team.  I stopped at Pat's to get some milk and a few other things.  I talked to Kimmy while I was shopping.  I picked the garden when I got home.  Got lots of green peppers, big tomatoes, small cherry tomatoes, kale, and cucumbers.  Tomorrow will be salad day.  I washed them all up and put them in containers, then it was time to head back to get Adam.  We stopped at McDonald's on our way home to get Frappe's, burgers and fries.  We got home, and shortly after Kimmy, Eli, Jacob, Jack and Evan came over.  I was sure happy to see them all.  I gave them some Fat Boy Ice Cream sandwiches or drumsticks, which ever they wanted, then they stood under the maple tree eating them.  I went in the pool and skimmed the top a little.  When I got out, Jacob went in and swam for a long time.  Eli got in with him.  Little by little, all the kids (except Adam) made it in the pool.  Jack and Evan didn't swim, because their dad came and got them.  Their best friend who moved to Florida is coming with his mom to visit outside at Melissa and Bruce's today.  Everyone is so excited.  Max was super excited to see Jack and Evan too.  They have been staying at Kimmy and Jared's, and so they all missed each other.  Kimmy worked on Vikki's rust spot on her car today.  She's amazing how she fixes things.  We sat on chairs and visited with her while she worked.  Vikki had to go home and take a shower for VBS.  She forgot her keys to her car were here and so was her garage door opener.  Rody finally got home and rescued her.  I fed the kids and she got them ready here.  It was hurried to say the least.  I made Little Caesars small pizza's for anyone who wanted piazza and warmed up hamburgers cooked on the grill last night for those who wanted burgers.  Bill, Jacob, Adam and Eli played teams in Skip Bo.  When Adam and I had to leave to get to soccer tryouts, Kimmy took Adam's place.  They ended up loosing and Jacob and Eli won.  Adam and I got home and Vikki and the kids were waiting at our house.  Vikki brought us all extra hotdogs that were grilled at the church.  Adam went home with her and the kids to spend the night.  I will be picking him up at 10:30 tomorrow morning to go get his soccer jersey.

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