Sunday, May 24, 2015

We went to church and sat with Stacie, Melissa and family and Vikki and Family.  I taught Sunday School and had fun with my kiddos.  Some friends at church invited us to ride up to Coleman, but we already had made plans to meet Bill and Sabrina.  We went home after church and ate and changed, then met them at 1 p.m.  Their daughter and boyfriend came with us.  We had a nice ride and then when we got there us girls got in the outside ice cream line and the boys got in the food line inside.  We had a nice time visiting.  On the way back, we headed off by ourselves to Coleman.  It started sprinkling on the way, but we still went.  We got up there and saw Merijo and Greg.  While we were standing talking, a lady came up to us and started telling us about some things that were going on in her life (van breaking down) and other things that had her worried.  We prayed with her and I asked her if she knew Jesus as her Lord and Savior.  She said she did. We gave her one of the Bibles we had in our motorcycle.  Keeping Michelle in our prayers now. Came home and ate Taco Bell Taco's we picked up on our way home.

Fun time riding to Mussel Beach and fellowshipping with these great friends!

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