Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Max coming to life as Henry Ford when we pushed his button!  You can see the person's button next to him in the video.  It was pretty noisy in the background, but Max did great.  Very proud of him.

Max as Henry Ford.  So Handsome!

Mozaart, Jim Hansen and Leonardo DaVinci at Max's table.  Funny because Mozart was in Max's seat.  She ended up having to move.  She's the little girl who loved Max and Max loved when they were just preschoolers.  

Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein.  Thought this would be a good thing to do with Bible Characters.  You would go to each student and push their button and they would come to life as their character.  Only one at a table was supposed to be talking, but some tables had 3 going at a time.  Very fun and interesting.

Me and my sweet Max.

Max looks so cute in this picture.

Awe I love this picture of Melissa and Max.

I love this picture of Melissa and Hailey too.  I am so happy that Hailey came into the room just before I left.  I almost missed seeing her.

Kim Reminder decorated these brownies so cute!

Denis and Bill

Gene, Vicky, Jeff, Jerry and Dennis

The Shaw family getting their food.

 Fun time sorting things to pack for the Vets for Tues. Night.  Praying their hearts are touched by the Lord.  So thankful for their service!

Packing the camouflage gift bags for the Vets.

Kim brought bandanas for us to put on when we go to the VA Hospital.  She had us try them on for a picture.  We had so many laughs at all the different styles.  Some were getting lessons on how to wear them.  We all liked Amanda's style.

Two more styles!

Dennis getting a lesson from Kim.

Our group picture!!  Paul Shaw was nice and took it for us.

The bags all packed and ready to go!

Went to our Tues. morning Breakfast  I left early so I could pick up cinnamon rolls for Wes's birthday.  After breakfast I came home and finished my potato salad for our potluck tonight.  I did some cleaning and then called to see if I could stop over to Vikki's.  As I pulled out of the driveway, Vikki called and said I could have some of her chicken noodle soup when I got to her house.  That made me so happy!  I got there and she put the soup in the microwave. Melissa got there a few minutes after me.  We all had Vikki's delicious soup together.  It was so yummy.  It had carrots and potatoes in it.  We left at 1:35 to go to the kid's school to see Max and his class.  They were dressed as different people in history.  Max was Henry Ford.  He did a great job telling us all about him.
Came home afterwards and finished getting ready for care group.  Had lots of good food at the potluck.  Then we packed bags for the Vets.  So much fun and laughter.  

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