Sunday, September 10, 2017

9//10/17...Went to church, Had meeting with Joan and others teaching on Wed. night, Melissa and family came over for Tim Bits, Bill collected money for Marine Corp league at Walmart, Vikki and Peyton came over and we hung out in our hammocks

Bill collecting money for Veterans with the Marine Corp League 
Max learning to mow his lawn....Bruce teaching him.  He did good and was so proud of himself

Relaxing in my hammock while Bill is gone


My cutie Peyton was such a helper

Peyton with the diary she got for her birthday
Fun hanging in our hammocks with Vikki, Peyton and I.  Lenny's  came too.

We went to the Armory today before church.  Bill was supposed to preach there and I was going to play the worship music on my bluetooth.  We got there and there weren't any cars there.  One of the other helpers from out church was just leaving.  They must have gotten a call to go somewhere.  We came home and then went to our church at 9:30.  When the kids were excused, I went back and the group of us who are teaching kids on Wednesday nights, had our meeting.  It went well and the new curriculum looks great.  After church, Melissa, Bruce and the kids came over for a few minutes.  Bill gave them the Tim Bits he had picked up for the guys at the armory this morning.  The kids were pretty excited.  We walked around outside for a little while and then they left.  I dropped Bill off at Walmart so he could collect money for veterans for the Marine Corp. League.  I went into the Subway in Walmart and picked him up a Rotisserie chicken sandwich.  He was pretty happy when I dropped it off.  He asked me if I would go home and get him his walker with a seat so he could sit (that's all he uses it for) and a drink.  I had tried to get him an ice tea at Subway, but the girl said she would have to make it and I didn't have time to win.  He was very happy when I got back and dropped off the stuff.  I went to Aldi's for almond milk and trail mix.  Then went to Arby's and picked up a chicken club sandwich for me to eat.  Went out and laid in my hammock after that. Vikki and Peyton came over to join me.  Peyton was excited because she had gone to Toy's R Us and got a diary and some charms to make bracelets with her birthday money.  She gave me a really pretty key ring.  She was so good about helping with what we needed.  She came in and got a close line for us to use with our hammocks to swing each other.  She was a cheerful as could be.  Vikki had got a nice warm soft blanket for the bottom of her hammock.  When I saw how nice and felt how warm it was, I went in and picked one up when we went to get Bill.  We came back and the blanket was wonderful in my hammock.  Rody stopped over with Isaac so that made me happy.  After they left, we watched a Hallmark movie.  Bill fell asleep on our comfy furniture.

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