Monday, September 4, 2017

9/1/17....Second day of the State Rally at BayShore

This dog was on the loose in the campground and it came and jumped on Gayla's lap
Getting ready to worship

Our National Evangelist for CMA talking at the evening service

Bill, Wes, Gayla, Barb, Elaine, Renee and Dan

9/1/17 In the morning we all had a pancake breakfast with Wes & Gayla, Dan and Renee, Barb, Elaine, Bill and me.  Wes cooked the pancakes on Dan's huge grill which we left at our campsite to use.  He also cooked some bacon.  Dan made sausage and I made more bacon.  It was yummy and we all ate outside together which was so nice.
It was a veryfFun day;  in the high 60's so a little on the cool side, but nice and sunny 
We all helped set up goodies. Lots of tubs of shirts, vests, and other stuff had to be emptied and set on the tables according to size and gender.   Bill and I went to a garage sale in Sebewaing with lots of tools tools.  Wes watched for more campers to come in while we were gone.  We got back and Wes went to the garage sale while Bill and I watched for new campers to come in.  Mostly junky stuff at the garage sale though.  We ate at night in the dining dining hall.  They had delicious chicken, mashed potatoes, dressing, corn and an amazing salad bar.  Desert and fruit were available too.  BayShore blessed us with our campsite being paid for and all of our meals paid for in the dining hall for the week.  Wes and Gayla's too.  So nice of them to do that for us for helping at the campground.   We went to worship and the evening service. Bought one Harley Hog from Allison and one from another youth.  They are selling them for $5 to help raise money for their mission trip. Then they will announce when they are coming to rustle them tomorrow.  If we catch them taking ours (which will be somewhere on our campsite outside, they will have to sign their name and do 30 minutes of work for us.  If they get them, we can buy them back for another $5.  We went to the goodie's store afterward and Bill bought me a pretty red and black vest with reflectors on it.  We played cards again after the service. 

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