Thursday, September 14, 2017

9/14/17...Very nice day in the 80's. Did more laundry and hung it outside. Went to CMA meeting in the evening and then to Mooneys with Wes and Gayla

Started packing the camper for our trip.  Bill transported veterans to their appointments today.  He is a volunteer at the VA hospital.  It was a nice day to do laundry and hang it outside to dry.  It was so nice to ride the motorcycle to our meeting and not even have to wear a jacket, even on the way home.  We had 28 people there and have 2 more who became members and 2 are becoming members.  Nice to see our chapter growing and getting such nice people in it.  Bill did a great job leading the meeting.
After the meeting, Wes, Gayla, Bill and I went to Mooney's for ice cream.  They got baby cones and I got a half baby cone when I saw how big their's were.  Vikki called me and she thinks Peyton broke her foot again.  Sure are praying it's not and is better in the morning.  She has her boot from her last break back on.  YIKES.

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