Saturday, September 9, 2017

9/9/17...Met Faith Riders at Bringer Inn for breakfast, rode to Harley Dealer in Flint, So Many Bikes were in the 40 minute ride. We were blockers.

Breakfast at Bringer Inn....Bill, Rod, Mike, Bill Smith, Sabrina, Rocco, Katelyn, Isaac, Luis and Elaine

We kept squeezing people at our table but when Renee and Dan came there was not more room.  This is the overflow booth

Elaine, Luis, Rod, Mike, Isaac and Bill ready for takeoff

Sabrina, Rocco, Bill Smith, Renee and Dan ready for takeoff
Bill by all the bikes

We were part of the group to block intersections.  The police would pull in and stop the traffic and then we would take their place and they would go ahead and do other intersections for other blockers.

The rest of the group that blocked

The police all lined up for the ride
Bill blocking the intersection

Me blocking with him
Our Faith Riders Group was on TV5's news tonight.  Sabrina sent me these pictures
Bill and I

Riding into town

This is to the side of the door across from the couch.  Granite counter tops and this table pushes in to make a small table.  How do you like that price?  It is just like our friend's that live by Kimmy.  It has a washer and dryer in the bathroom and a full shower.  Big bedroom with kingsize bed.  Our friends have a ueen size bed over the driver's chair and passenger's which comes down with the push of a button..  Their chairs turn all the way around.

We sure had fun walking through all of the campers.  

So happy to have Adam playing the trombone.  Now we have two trombone players in the family.  Max plays too!

Kimmy and Jared, this is a picture Juaquin put on.  He is in Israel and took it.  I thought of you.


Kimmy said...

You two are cute blockers! Wow that a huge camper! I'm so happy you came over! Thank you for the yummy sub! I LOVE YOU!!!

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Awe you are so sweet! I love you too! Next time I will let you know sooner! Sure enjoyed our time together.