Friday, September 6, 2019

9/6/19...HAPPY 8TH BIRTHDAY PEYTON AND ISAAC! Took Melissa to therapy, Went to Applebees, Celebrated Peyton and Isaac's Birthday at their party

Happy Birthday to Isaac

Happy Birthday to Peyton

Isaac reading Peyton's Birthday Note from their mom
Isaac played his drums for us and he sure sounds great

My new cup holder and armrests

Bill rode the motorcycle to visit Rich and then go to his appointment.  I took the car to pick up Melissa and take her to therapy.  It was pouring when he got out of his appt. so he waited for it to quit at the VA.  Wrapped Birthday presents and filled out cards.  Did some laundry.  Made cheesy potatoes for the party.  Picked Melissa up from therapy.  They commented on how much she has improved.  She only used her cane to go in and to leave.  I am so proud of her.  We went to Applebee's afterward and had soup and salad.  We also had a very nice visit.  Sure love that girl!  Got to see Bruce and the boys when I dropped her off at her house, and wish Bruce an "in Person" Happy Birthday.  When I got home, Bill was in the shed. He called me to ask if I could help him.  I went out and he surprised me with armrests and a cup holder for me on the motorcycle.  It is so nice.  I will love being able to have water or coffee in my cup holder while I ride. He ordered it and had to ride way up to Mt. Pleasant to pick it up.  I sure was happy when I saw it.  I sure am blessed with a wonderful, caring husband.  We went to Peyton and Isaac's Birthday Party.  Vikki had everything so nice.  We had great food (sloppy joes, cheesy potatoes, chips, birthday cake and ice cream).  We had a nice time visiting with Rody's mom, aunt, uncle and cousin.  The kids were really good and did such a great job opening their gifts.  They were excited about everything, including clothes.  They were also very polite and thanked everyone as they opened the gifts. We had a fun time.  Bill finished putting the other armrest on when we got home.  I organized the trunk in the motorcycle.

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