Saturday, September 7, 2019

9/7/19...Met for Breakfast at Levi's and then rode with Faith Riders to Bikes on the Bricks

Greg, Kevin, Vikki, Bill, Sabrina, Bill Smith, Joaquin, Bob, Elaine, Don, Wes, Gayla, Mike, and Mike V.
Same people as above except Angie and Adam are at the end of the table, and Bill took the picture because he wanted me in it

We had a good group from Saginaw riding to Bikes on the Bricks today

At the Harley Dealer

Panoramic view of Harley dealer

Wes and Gayla getting on their bike, Bill behind them with all the blockers for the road as we travel
All of us riding behind the police. 

Bill riding with his security vest on for when we  block traffic

Lots of people were out by the road waving at us.  This lady even made signs up.

Bill with all the bikes and the city behind him

Cheryl, Bill and Arnie
Elaine, Bill and Elaine's dad, Bob
Wes and Gayla on their bike in the red helmets
Katelyn and Boedy and Milo and Bill...the twins are getting big
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Cute twins
Evan, Jack and Max

Me, Max and Melissa having fun trying to take selfies.  Max was  being so silly

He was trying tomato it look like I was eating licorice 

Jacob in the parade....took this from Kimmy's pictures

 We met at Levi's for breakfast with Faith Riders.  We had a great turn out, great food and wonderful fellowship.  We left from there and all rode to Bikes on the Bricks in Flint.  All but Kevin and Vikki were able to go.  It was a great ride and the weather was wonderful.  We got to the Harley Dealer and went to where they talked to us about being blockers.  We blockers left first and the motorcycle parade which had 1000 bikes in it followed us.  The police would point at the person behind them and that bike would pull off and block the road.  They did this until all the roads were either blocked by police or by blockers.   It kept moving up to us until only 4 bikes were left before the motorcycle parade.  Wes, Gayla, Bill, me, Bill and Sabrina, Adam and Angie didn't get to block as they had enough this year.  We have always blocked before and like doing it.  We did get good parking spaces though.  We walked around and looked at all the motorcycles, watched policeman do the obstacle course, Visited with Victory Biker Church people and CMA people, and talked to lots of other people.  
We went to the Farmer's Market to eat.  We also bought a small loaf of banana bread for our dessert.
It was fun getting to see Bill and Sabrina's grandchildren who are year old twins.  They are so cute.
Bill, Joaquin, Elaine and her dad all left together to go back to Saginaw.  Bill led the way.  Such a fun day.  After we got home, Melissa and Bruce brought the boys over for us to watch while they went to Frankenmuth to celebrate Bruce's Birthday.  They played air hockey, played with legos, watched FlyWheel, and played Mario on the wii.  They were very good and we had lots of fun.  Jack and Evan ate sloppy joes.

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