Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday, 9/27/19...Went to Funeral for Jeff's Dad

Took Melissa to therapy, then went home to get Bill.  We went to St. Charles to Jeff's dad's funeral.  Pastor Jeff Sat with us.  We went to the dinner at the VFW afterwards.  Sat with Pastor Jeff again and also 3 men who work with Jeff who were very nice to talk to.  The food was from Richville and was so delicious.  We picked Melissa up from therapy right after we got to Saginaw.  Dropped her off home and came home and rested for a half hour.  Went to meet Vikki at Aunt Ann's house to watch the homecoming parade.  It started raining.  By the time I got there it was raining pretty hard.  I decided to leave before they closed the road.  Vikki, Rody and the kids watched the parade.  It quit raining for it which was great.  Melissa, Bruce and Evan came over and brought yummy baked beans with burger that Bruce made for a tailgate party that was supposed to be tonight, but it was cancelled because of the rain.  Lucky us!!!  They visited for a while.  Evan said the books of the Bible really good and also played the keyboard really good for us.  They left so they could go rent a movie to watch while they eat the popcorn we dropped off last night.  We relaxed and watched tv.  Bill brought me a milky way candy bar and handed it to me.  What a sweetie!

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