Friday, September 13, 2019

Fri., 9/13/19....Took Melissa to therapy, good report from Rich D's dr., Went to garage sales with Melissa, Went to Carrollton Football game where they honored first responders and veterans


Eli, Adam and Jacob running on Pebble Beach

Jacob, Eli and Adam with Grandma and Grandpa Russell

Kimmy and her boys and dog

Eli, Jacob, Kimmy, Jared and Adam (This is so cute!)
Adam, Jacob, Wyatt, and Eli

Jared, Eli, Jacob and Adam


Roger, George, Bill and Dan

Bill and I....sun was bright behind us
They played Millington.  The score was tied a couple of time, but Carrollton won

Veterans and First responders marching out to the field at half time.

Bill, Dan, George, Jerico, and Roger

Bill went to meet Rich and I took Melissa to therapy.  Rich got a good report from his doctor in Ann Arbor.  The results of his surgery showed that they got all of the cancer in his lung.  They also let him know his colorectal cancer is stage 2 and has gotten smaller.  They are coming up with a chemo/radiation plan for him next week.  Rich was pretty happy. We are thanking God! When I picked Melissa up from therapy, she was walking away from me down the hallway with her therapist.  She wasn't using a cane.  I saw a drop of water go on the floor and thought it was sweat or drool.  Then they told her she still had to sit down.  That's when I noticed she had a cup of water in her hand.  They were having her practice walking without spilling it.  She did great because all I saw was one drop spill.  We went to check on the Lawndale Estates garage sales.  When we got there, it was the subdivision across the road that had the garage sales.  We had fun checking them out.  Found a couple tops for Hailey and one for Melissa.  Took Melissa home.  Bill had cut the grass when I got home and was cutting up the fallen trees and stacking the wood.  We ate and then went to the football game in Carrollton.  They were honoring veterans and first responders.  They got in free and could get free food.  We were thankful to have our stadium chairs.  They told me that family members could go out on the field too, but I was happy to just stay where I was and take pictures. We had fun at the game.

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