Thursday, October 3, 2019

10/3/19..Went on bus tour to Great Lakes National Cemetery, Went to Officer's Meeting for Faith Riders

Bus Ride to the National Cemetery....Bill and I were in the last seat on the bus

Bill after we got off the bus.  Bus is in background
Kevin, Gayla, Wes, Bill, Elaine, Bill Smith, and Cheryl at our officer's meeting at the Byte Restaurant where the Texan used to be

We met Charlie and Sue and went on a bus tour to the Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly.  Because Bill and Charlie are veterans, we can all be buried there for free unless the rapture comes first.  It is such a beautiful setting, and so nice of them to honor veterans.  We had a fun time on the bus.  They had us play two fun games on the way and had snacks and water bottles for us.  After we got a tour and were able to ask questions, we went to Brick Street, a fancy restaurant and had a delicious lunch on the Skorupski Funeral Home Service.  The food was so good.  They never said anything to have us sign up for anything through them.  We had fun with Charlie, Sue and the other nice couple we sat with.  The guy worked with lots of doctors and gave us some helpful tips about great doctors.  We had a nice bus ride back.  It was misty most of the day, but blue skies came out when we got back.  We relaxed when we got home.  Went to the Old Texan, which is Bytes Fusion Grill now for our officers meeting.  We are checking out the food, because we want to see about having our Chapter Meetings in their nice big back room.  It was nice and everyone is in favor of moving there.  Now we will bring it up in the chapter meeting next Thursday.

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