Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday, 10/25/19....Walked at SportsZone, Put outside stuff away, Bill got me an Apple Watch

Me letting Jacob beat me at 3-13.  He had all the pat hand, winning hands

Jacob and Papa pretty happy....they beat Kimmy and I at 313
Thanks Jacob for getting the Wi to work on the TV

Jacob, Eli and Adam


 Bill and I went to SportsZone and walked 2 miles.  We came home and ate oatmeal for breakfast.
After we did our Bible reading, etc, we went outside and vacuumed leaves off the deck. We put outside stuff away, and took the cover off the pergola.  Kimmy's boys had a half day of school today, so they all came over when school was out.  We had a nice time visiting, watching Christian Groups playing on the TV and playing 3-13.  They are always so much fun and I love hearing Jacob and Eli sing.  Great voices!  Jacob carried my big lazy boy all by himself from the family room to the living room and then Kimmy helped him get it outside.  He sure is strong. They moved the tan Lazyboy from the basement to the family room.  I got 14,000 steps today.  Vikki, Rody and the twins came over.  They brought yummy cinnamon rolls for us.  After I shared a cinnamon roll with Bill, he told me to sit down.  In my seat was a box with an Apple Watch in it.  Bill said Merry Christmas early! I was so surprised and so happy.  Thank you my Sweet Bill! Vikki and Rody had come over to help me set it up.    Rody got it started and set up and Vikki showed me lots of stuff and helped me put things on it.  Thank you so much for all that help!!!  Wow I can do so much on it and I can even wear it while I swim.   It will take me a while to get it all figured out. Peyton and Isaac were so sweet and cute.  I talked to Melissa a couple of times.
What a great day!

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