Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tues.,10/15/19, Went to our breakfast, Went to Melissa's

Went to our breakfast.  Merijo was able to come this week again which was nice.  I went and spent time with Melissa afterward.  We visited and she taught me some things on my phone.  I went to Kroger and Aldi's when I left her house.  I forgot to wear my fitbit too!  Bummer!  Checked the camper out to make sure they fixed stuff right.  Bill and I killed at least 10 bees in the house today.  They were mostly in the family room.  I sprayed the eaves where they were coming in, but they are coming in the house somehow now.  They are moving very slow and easy to kill, but I sure hope that's the end of them.  We don't have small group tonight because we had a "Serve Saturday" where our church served the community last Saturday.  We did have one person in our group show up though.  We watched the news, Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.

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